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Stephen (Holly) MORRISON

Late of Tanilba Bay

Passed away peacefully

Aged 53 years


Wonderful loving father of Kristy and Stevo.

Adored son, brother, pop,

Uncle, father-in-law and Mate of many.

Relatives and friends are Warmly invited to Steve’s Celebration of life, to be held today Thursday 21.5.2009 at Tilligerry Uniting Church, President Wilson Walk, Tanilba Bay

Commencing at 10.30am


“It’s All Good”

Well Stephen just a few words to you before your funeral. By now you would have seen everyone and caught up with all the gossip.  As we prepare to say our final farewells to you, this day will be a very sad day for us. But we know you will have no more suffering or pain. Will be thinking of you know and forever and would like to say how very proud I am to be your sister.


All my love Kim

                                                     " Goodnite   Our Hero"


                                                       To be brave is to cry   

                                                      But still you fought on

                                                      And that`s what you did.

                                           Our hero,our son,our brother,our dad.      

                                                       The battle was hard

                                                  We thought we had longer ,

                                                       But still you fought on .

                                           Our hero,our son,our brother, our dad.

                                                  The happiness you brought,

                                                 To the lives you have touched

                                                           Will live on forever.

                                                     As you were loved so much.

                                            When we close our eyes we can see you

                                      When we whisper your name we can hear you,

                               And when we reach with our hearts we can touch you.

                                             The pain has gone you died a man.

                                            Goodnight our son,our brother,our dad.

                                              Our hero Stephen John Morrison


Hello Stephen (hun) is what I called you when we were married, we may have been divorced but we shared two beautiful kids together, and I would not change that for the world. I have been thinking about that song you used to sing to me;

You and me can we be partners

You and me can we be friend

Ones that never end:

We may have not stayed partners but we were always friends and I will cherish the life we shared and the two kids we conceived together, it was an honour to be part off your life, I hope you are at peace now and that your with your dad and col and corey, if you see my mum and dad say hello for me and my pop…..until we meet again your ex-wife


Hi uncle Stephen

It still doesn’t seem real that your gone

I know your up there with pop,col and corey

did you give them a kiss from me and tell them I love and miss them

was there a beer waiting up there for you

steve and I had a few drinks for you that night

well better go they will be calling it Kellys blog soon

love always from Kelly

My dear uncle Steve,

I still cant believe your gone,I`m trying to be strong for everyone,but its not workin real well,I am so proud of mum,aunty Kim and your son stevie for reading out there eulogys it must have been so hard,I was really touched that stevie had writin about the time you fell out your wheelchair at my house and I had to come help you back up,just for him to think of that moment and mention me was very touching,Steven I`m gona miss ya so much and I will always love ya,send my love to pop,col and Corey for me..I love you all dearly, love Renee,Chloe,Angel and Bella..

May u rest in peace..

Well,well,well would’nt you be up there being oh so smug with all your ex’s there to say there farewells what a shock to see Sharon there I could’nt believe it, but so they should have been they all played a part in your life , good or bad they were still part off your past. It was so good to see geff there its been so long it brought back so many memories and your baby boy getting up and speaking he did so well I know you would off been proud off him and off course kristy true to form off course she would’nt let you go with out a bit off fire in her soul I believe you did that just to get her going one last time, I know you would be proud off both off them just as I am, your sisters did so well getting up there with Stevie and talking about times they spent with you as hard as it was for them, they did you proud as well, I’m a bit worried about Stevie how he is going to cope but we will all be there for him okay I shall say alls good and hope your having fun I know your dad will be showing you the ropes by now so have fun ……………love jo……………………

Well hi Stephen I cant believe its been nearly a month since you have left us. I went into the hospice the other day and left some flowers on behalf of all your family, to thank the wonderful nurses for all the loving care they gave you while you where in there. That was so hard doing that as that was the last place I saw you alive and the last place I ever saw you. Kinda felt like I could go into your room and say hello. Would be waiting for you to call me bitch. Well that`s what it felt like anyway. I am so full up with the god damm flu at the moment have had enough of it. Hope you have filled dad and everyone else in on all that had happened here. Well I will say goodbye for now. Miss you heaps and love you lots.

Love  your baby sister Kim xxxxxxx (bitch)



                                                                     LOVE KRISTY


Hi Stephen hope you are giving the ladies hell up there, I didn’t think I would miss you so much but wish you where here, we show Lilly your pictures all the time so she can remember her poppy, your kids are becoming more and more like you and making money of everything they can just like you tort them.

Love you, Miss you Heaps

Love Kylie, Steve & Lilly  


happy birthday uncle steven
we all miss ya like crazy xoxox
love from your neice kelly



Missing you Stephen doesn`t feel like three years since you left us. Love always Kim xxx



Hi big brother thinking of you lots and miss you heaps. Cant believe its been 5 years today since you left us. Was a sad day for everyone but knew you wouldn`t be suffering anymore. Love Kim xxx





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